Ways to Improve Your Employees Self-worth During The Coronavirus Pandemic 

The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has turned into a monumental crisis that has impacted workplaces, the money markets and the health of people all over the globe. While many organisations have a business continuity and crisis plan in place, many haven’t, and are not equipped to deal with the severity of the virus’s spread.

In the event of any disruption it is essential that your employees feel that they are supported, and that you communicate with them effectively. While there has been an unprecedented rise in working remotely from home since the outbreak began, this might not always be practical, especially if your organisation deals with confidential or sensitive data. This is where our work area recovery service comes in.

We have put together 3 top tips to help you support your employees in the event of any disruption to your business and help alleviate any fears they may have:

Communicate, communicate, communicate…and communicate some more!

The importance of communicating with employees cannot be underestimated. They look to their leaders for guidance, and if your organisation is impacted by COVID-19, or if your office block has to be closed for deep cleaning because someone has tested positive for the disease, they will be feeling very anxious about what is happening. Employers should keep their employees and contractors updated on the situation as much as possible and invite them to contribute to any relevant discussions.

Relax Your Policies and Adjust Guidelines if Necessary

For any business to be successful and to operate well, there will no doubt be policies and guidance that needs to be adhered to. During uncertain times, it pays to be a bit more relaxed about these. For example, day care centres and school closures may impact the day to day lives of your employees, and many will have no other options for childcare. Organisations should be sympathetic to this, and as understanding and flexible as possible as staff attempt to navigate unexpected changes in a crisis.

Although it’s not possible for every organisation to relax their guidelines, they should consider loosening restrictions surrounding certain policies. Managers need to trust when employees say they are sick and experiencing symptoms in the COVID-19 outbreak, and work around them as best as possible.

Educate and Mitigate as Much Risk as Possible

While it is impossible to completely alleviate the fears of your employees, you can try to mitigate them as much as possible. This can be done by adding more disinfectants, hand sanitisers and antibacterial wipes around your offices, as well as by reducing or eliminating penalties for them taking sick leave.

In addition, you could host awareness sessions to educate your employees and reduce their anxiety around COVID-19.

If you need to evacuate from your offices quickly, our Work Area Recovery service is for you. Find out more about our award-winning recovery centre and how your business can be up and running again in minutes should you be affected by the COVID-19 outbreak. Our expert team can advise and guide you during what we know will be a very stressful time, and our Fortress Sentinel crisis communications solution can help with communicating with your team when working remotely.